If this is a new topic for you, don’t stress I will keep it simple and show you the basics concerning how Beneficial Microbes and Sustainable Farming go hand-in-hand. If you are a more experienced farmer, hopefully this will refresh and highlight the importance of this subject.

What Are Beneficial Microbes?

Beneficial Microbes are “good germs” or in other words, positive micro-organisms.
There are Pathogenic or “bad germs” also found in the soil, these germs cause soil born diseases.
But, did you know that the good and bad bacteria only make up around 5% each of the of micro-organisms in the soil.
What about the other 90%? Good question.
The silent majority found in the soil are influenced by either the good- or bad bacteria.

Think of it like a popularity contest or like an election. The most popular person gets the most votes, right?
So a little help from the good bacteria can have a real positive effect in your soil, but the same is true for the bad guys.

Tip: Don’t try and kill the bad bacteria, rather add the good guys and they will sort out the bad guys.

Read more: Biodyne Environoc 401 – Beneficial Microbes

Beneficial Microbes

What Beneficial Microbes Should Be Used?

Soil health specialist, Nico Uys from Go-Biofarming recommends Biodyne Environoc 401 for a great variety of 25 effective Microbes and Fungi that will enhance soil health and biodiversity.
These Microbes will add great value such as, release locked NPK for plant absorption, make micronutrients available and assist to degrade compost.
Let’s just say, the plant has found it’s new best friend for life.

These Microbes can be applied to all growth mediums, like, hydroponics, aquaponics and aeroponics.
Basically where ever there are plants, flowers even grass, they will like each other’s company.

Benefits for using Beneficial Microbes:

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What is Sustainable Farming?

Farming in the most natural and effective way that best utilizes the resources available.
Modern farming has become known as conventional agriculture, but it is in reality “Unconventional and Unsustainable”.
Working with the natural systems and optimizing them is the true conventional method.

Here some basic Sustainable Farming principles:

Tip: Start by testing one or two principles on a small plot. Then increase the size gradually.

Soil Health – The Foundation

Soil health should be the main concern of every farmer. This is the most important part of any farm.

Farm smarter for more, not harder for less!

RM Bio-Solutions

Before any crop is planted or fertiliser program is planned, a soil health analysis must be completed with the assistance of an experienced agronomist. We strongly recommend Nico Uys, for his experience and unique approuch.

The soil health analysis must clearly indicate what elements are plant available and which are not. This is crucial.

We use Brookside laboratory, who offers the only accredited (ISO 17025) geotechnical and soil health testing service in the world.

The process to restore soil health to a level where increased yields and plant health is evident, can vary from 6 months to a year.

Tip: Watch the Living Soil Documentary.

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