Foundations for Farming

Sustainable Farming Training in Vredefort From a dream to the first steps into reality, from the 25th-27th of March 2021 this is what I experienced when we had our first successful Foundations for Farming three-day training in Vredefort. People came from as far as Bhamshela township in KZN, Bloemfontein, Johannesburg, Sandton, Stilfontein and Parys. We […]
Sustainable Farming 101 | The Basics | With Francois Le Roux of Foundations for Farming

Francois Le Roux of Foundations for Farming shares the 5 most common mistakes farmers make and the 5 basic princples of Sustainable Farming.
Beneficial Microbes and Sustainable Farming in South Africa

Beneficial Microbes are the foundation for optimal soil health and Sustainable Farming, both financially and nutritionally. Time to make new friends.