Sustainable Farming Series
I am starting a series focused on the practical aspects of Sustainable Farming in South Africa. Discussing with different experts the various elements that are required to start and manage a farm on a small to medium scale.
My first guest, Francois Le Roux, grew up on a farm and is a Foundations for Farming instructor and trainer based in Gauteng. He equips farmers with the skills to farm with low inputs and high yields, by harnessing the power of farming with nature.
There are many great things to learn from Foundations for Farming’s principles.
The 5 most common mistakes that farmers make
From Francois’ experience working in the Agricultural domain, the following are the most common mistakes new farmers make. Many farmers want quick fixes and are not willing to work towards a long term solution, like rebuilding soil health which will in time be one of the best investments a farmer can make.
- Not willing to listen and learn, thinking you know it all.
- Trusting in conventional ways especially if it is called agricultural science.
- The fear of failure, not willing to take risks.
- Selfishness and unfaithfulness are serious issues that can sink the most successful farmers.
- The believe that you need large land and capital to start to farm profitably.
When you look at this short list, you won’t find fertilizer programs or wrong crop selections. Rather you find a wrong motivation and attitude that seems to be the at the heart of the problem. When these are addressed first, the practical aspects of farming can be easily mastered and used for successful farming.
Click here for more information about Foundations for Farming in Gauteng.
The 5 Basic Principles for Sustainable Farming
From years of experience, these principles have been tried and tested. They have proven to be effective and the real building blocks of farming. Put them to the test for yourself and let me know what you experienced.
- The right attitude is needed. Sometimes it only comes after a real paradigm shift takes place in your thinking.
- Farming must be profitable otherwise it cannot be sustainable.
- Do everything on time and at a high standard. You need to work with excellence.
- No wastage and think holistically.
- Do everything with Joy. Plants are effected by your attitude, therefore be joyful in your work.
These are powerful principles that you can apply in everyday life.
Foundations for Farming Training
If you want to be equipped to farm effectively, do not hesitate to contact Francois for more information. Call or whatsapp him on 079 538 1324 or email him at
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